The important ingredient between success and failure when outsourcing software development!
8. oktober 2019
If you don’t know how to do something you have limited options:
1. Easiest of all, you simply don’t do it;
2. Next could be to try it out and see what happens;
3. Or, you could ask someone who does know.
The dilemma – how to successfully use external resources in software development – usually doesn’t get past option 1 above.
Going for option 2 can be fun; if it’s fun you’re after, you could and most likely will get more than you wanted at the beginning.
Or, you could take the reliable option 3 and refer to someone who does know.
Being conservative in nature and having amassed almost 14 years experience in the field, we at Conscensia have a department of people who know both in Ukraine and in Poland.
They’re called delivery managers
The secret is in the process(es)
Delivery managers pop up center picture throughout all stages of cooperation.
They use a library of practical experience to plan the way forward. They eliminate the pitfalls and problems that arise for anyone who decides for option number 2 above, and before they even arise.
The Conscensia delivery managers have successfully started many teams over the years; they know and understand that there is never a ‘one size fits all’: they listen and advise on the best possible setup in the individual situation.
They are able to do this thanks to their vast experience in running distributed teams in settings that covers the full spectrum from CMMI5 certified companies to small startups.
During the start up planning they support you in designing and then implementing the right processes to ensure a number of things:
- A best possible multi-team structure
- A friction-free integration of new developers. This includes onboarding, knowledge-transfer, introduction into legacy issues, uses cultural intelligence as leverage to get better unity of understanding and then performance on all sides
These are all things they’ve done many times before: they know where the low hanging fruits are: the ones that are too good to miss!
Whilst this is invaluable in getting new engagements off to a good start, it doesn’t mean that we then leave you to keep up all the good work yourself.
Your assigned delivery manager, of course, follows you throughout the whole collaboration with Conscensia.
In regular and planned meetings, they will, on an ongoing basis, point up ways to be sure that opportunities for improvement are identified and used, making your setup sustainable in the future as well.
So long, story short delivery managers are vital when you decide to outsource your software development, both in setting up correctly however also in ensuring continuously improvement – so our advice is, choose option 3 and go to someone who knows!
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